The City of Dallas Adopts a New Cultural Plan and Policy

Following a year-long process that engaged Dallasites across the city, the new Dallas Cultural Plan provides a collective vision for the future of Dallas arts and culture

Dallas – The Dallas City Council voted unanimously today to adopt the Dallas Cultural Plan, an updated Cultural Policy, and an enabling ordinance.  With this new plan and its supporting policies, the City of Dallas through its Office of Cultural Affairs will work with partners to harness its arts and cultural strengths to address the city’s challenges.  The Dallas Cultural Plan affirms the City’s commitment to supporting a vibrant arts and cultural ecosystem in collaboration with its artist, cultural organization, funder, and other partners.

“This is an exciting moment for all residents of Dallas – many of whom worked with us to create this Plan via in-person meetings, online, social media, and more,” said Director of Cultural Affairs Jennifer Scripps.  “Through this plan, we discovered how much residents care about arts and culture, worked with them to create plans to bring arts and culture to them in their neighborhoods, and learned how our arts and cultural sector can come together to create more vibrant communities.  We are so thankful for everyone who gave time to share what they wanted for our future, and for the donors who generously funded this process.”

The Plan is the result of hundreds of meetings across the city of Dallas with nearly 9,000 residents and local artists and arts leaders who identified the top six priorities for arts and culture: Equity, Diversity, Space, Support for Artists, a Sustainable Arts Ecosystem, and Communication.  It identifies 31 strategies and 140 initiatives to create an equitable, diverse and connected community whose residents and visitors thrive through meaningful arts and cultural experiences in every neighborhood across Dallas.

“The adoption of this Cultural Plan is a key part of Dallas’ continued growth as an economically rich, vibrant and resilient community,” said Mayor Mike Rawlings. “The arts sector and our local artists, who contribute $900 million to our city’s economy each year, are some of the city’s best assets, and they have the power to imagine and create a better Dallas. I look forward to seeing the Office of Cultural Affairs and their partners begin the work and the strategies detailed in this plan.”

The Plan was generously funded in a public-private partnership by the residents of Dallas, the Communities Foundation of Texas, the Hoblitzelle Foundation, the Meadows Foundation, the Perot Foundation, PNC Bank, Texas Instruments, and an anonymous foundation.  Its development was guided by the City-Council appointed Arts and Cultural Advisory Commission and a steering committee of local arts and cultural leaders.

“Thank you to the thousands of Dallas residents who shared with us their hopes for arts and culture,” said Jennifer Scripps.  “We are honored to serve the entire arts ecosystem of Dallas.  We look forward to implementing this plan, to really bringing it to life, alongside our artist and organization partners.”

 Cultural Plan

 Cultural Policy


 Summary Booklet – Cultural Plan


The Office of Cultural Affairs works to enhance the vitality of the city and the quality of life for all Dallas residents by creating an equitable environment wherein artists as well as arts and cultural organizations thrive; people of all ages enjoy opportunities for creative expression; and all celebrate our multicultural heritage.

Our mission is to support and grow a sustainable cultural ecosystem that ensures all residents and visitors have opportunities to experience arts and culture throughout the city.


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