Cultural Vitality Program Now Open!

The Office of Cultural Affairs is pleased to announce a new cultural services funding program designed to further support the growth of a vibrant cultural ecosystem in Dallas!

The Cultural Vitality Program (CVP), seeks proposals and projects from both arts/cultural organizations and individual artists with innovative ideas and a dedication to the arts in our City.

CVP projects should be innovative services or projects that create active and ongoing engagement with people, neighborhoods and communities in Dallas. They should celebrate our diversity, build community connections and enhance the visibility of neighborhoods through arts and culture. Priority will be given to projects or residencies focusing on neighborhoods outside of downtown Dallas.

For more information, eligibility requirements and to apply.

Deadline to apply is Monday, December 3rd.

This application period will fund projects within this current fiscal year (February 15, 2019 – September 15, 2019)
Photo: Former CVP Recipient Cara Mia Theatre Co.’s production of ‘Our Stories’ at Pan African Connection

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