Explore Public Art all around Dallas with a new Interactive Map
In celebration of Dallas Arts Month, the Office of Arts and Culture (OAC) and the Office of Data Analytics partnered to provide residents and visitors with a map to find and explore City of Dallas public art.
The public can view art installations with new, high-resolution images, and detailed information about the installations. Art is everywhere in Dallas, in libraries, parks, recreation centers, and more. This public facing map of the OAC Public Art collection allows residents and visitors to easily explore Dallas for these Public Art pieces.
Public Art distinguishes our community. It conserves our public history and evolving culture, revitalizes public spaces, and enhances our quality of life. With this new map, the OAC Public Art Program makes the work of many artists accessible and provides places to encourage arts and culture to thrive and grow citywide. Everyone wants to know where art lives because art enriches our lives. If you look for it, you’ll find art actually is all around Dallas. The map is available on any smart mobile device or desktop computer.
To access the OAC Public Art map and explore the Dallas art scene, please visit
For more information, please contact Lynn Rushton, Public Art Collection and Conservation Manager
at (214) 670-0634 or lynn.rushton@dallascityhall.com.
at (214) 670-0634 or lynn.rushton@dallascityhall.com.