OAC Cultural Center Summer Camps accepting applications

It’s summer camp application season here at the OAC!
Our South Dallas Cultural Center (SDCC), Oak Cliff Cultural Center (OC3), Bath House Cultural Center (BHCC), and Latino Cultural Center (LCC) are all open for applications. Please view details and deadlines below.
Bath House Cultural Center Summer Camp:
The Bath House Cultural Center will host TWO summer camps! Space for both camps is limited. You must fill out separate applications if your kids are interested in participating in both camps.
Run With the PACK is a free immersive hands-on public mural camp for underserved teens,12-16 years old.
Camp dates are June 28 to July 9, 2021.
Circo Metropolis Caravan is a free circus camp that teaches kids basic circus skills. for Dallas kids.
Camp dates are July 12 to 23, 2021.
Deadline to Apply: Friday, June 18, 2021
Oak Cliff Cultural Center Summer Camp:
Cara Mía Theatre. and the Oak Cliff Cultural Center are excited to announce The School of YES! Summer Camp, a multidisciplinary arts academy for youth. Camp dates are June 21 – July 16, 2021.
The mission of The School of YES! is to give young people the skills to say “yes” to a future of their choice rather than feel pressured into a future defined by their environment.
Oak Cliff Cultural Center and Cara Mía Theatre will award 20 scholarships. Applications are now being accepted. Applications may also be printed and dropped off at Oak Cliff Cultural Center.
Deadline to Apply: Wednesday, June 16, 2021
South Dallas Cultural Center Summer Camp:

The Smart Project camp offers creative lesson plans focusing on photography, creative writing, drawing, graphic design, and animation as well as providing one-on-one creative mentorship opportunities.
Camp dates are June 14 – July 21, 2021 on Thursdays from 3:00-4:40PM & Friday from 3:00-4:00PM
Hip Hop and Heal is a camp that builds its lessons around the 12 Stages of Healing, cultivating a way of using the art of written expression, deep breathing exercises, art, media, and performing arts to express themselves.
Camp dates are June 14 – July 21, 2021 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-5:00PM
African Drum and Dance is a camp that consist of traditions, history, music and dances from West Africa taught by rotating Bandan Koro artists.
Camp dates are June 14 – July 21, 2021 from 10:00am – Noon (Grades 5-8) and from 1:00 – 3:00PM (Grades 9-12th)
Musically Me Unlimited (Girls Only) is a fiscally sponsored life skills and empowerment program that uses music to build community and foster resilience in the lives of Black teen girls.
Camp dates are July 5- 21, 2021 (MTW) from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Deadline to Apply: Friday, June 18, 2021
Latino Cultural Center Summer Camp:
The LCC is always excited to offer a free arts intensive summer camp program to students (ages 11-14) in the Dallas community. This camp takes a multidisciplinary approach to examining art and culture in Dallas.
Students participate in performing and visual arts with a final event at the end of camp. Students are provided a snack and lunch break during their time at the LCC.