Dallas City Council changes OCA’s name to Office of Arts and Culture

Today the Dallas City Council approved an ordinance changing the name of the Office of Cultural Affairs to Office of Arts and Culture, effective October 1, 2019.

The name change is inspired by the Dallas Cultural Plan 2018, unanimously adopted by the City Council in November 2018,  and is a collective vision for the future of Dallas arts and culture.  During the Cultural Plan process, we learned that many residents and artists:

  1. did not know that the Office of Cultural Affairs exists, or the extent of the functions of our office; and
  2. wanted a broader definition of arts and culture and more access.

Changing the name of the department to the Office of Arts and Culture is one way to advance communication and accessibility for Dallasites.  Other initiatives that the Office of Arts and Culture are undertaking to increase access include marketing campaigns and partnerships, “On The Go” events in neighborhoods to meet residents, and increased neighborhood cultural programming, particularly in under served areas.

Artists and organizations working with OCA are encouraged to update their printed materials that refer to the old Office of Culture Affairs name.  The new Office of Arts and Culture logo and style guide is linked below.


Logo and Style Guide


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