Screen Time Workshops with Dallas Zine Fest
October 3, October 10, and October 17, 2024
7:00-9:00 PM
Bath House Cultural Center
521 E. Lawther Dr. Dallas, TX 75218
Free to attend, registration is required. Limited spots available.
Dallas Zine Fest is offering a series of 3 two-hour workshops throughout October. Participants will have the opportunity to reinterpret their favorite movie posters within a specific genre of their choice. During each session, attendees can explore various mediums—such as drawing, painting, or collage—to create their unique poster designs.
The completed posters will be featured in a 1-2 color RISO printed Official Dallas Zine Fest Zine, which participants can collect on the day of the festival.
Dates & Times:
Workshop 1:
October 3, 2024, 7-9pm
Instructors: Mylan Nguyen & Taro Waggoner
Genre: Comedy or Drama
Max # of Participants: 10
Workshop 2:
October 10, 2024, 7-9pm
Instructors: Bestu Friendo: Christopher Machorro & Raul Rodriguez
Genre: Action or Family
Max # of Participants: 10
Workshop 3:
October 17, 2024, 7-9pm
Instructors: Brent Ozeta & SM Sanz
Genre: Horror or Romance
Max # of Participants: 10
To register for one of these workshops, please visit the link.

Please visit dallaszinefest.com for more
information about DZF2024.