Cultural Organizations Program (COP)
Cultural Organizations Program (COP) provides operational support to established organizations with budgets over $100,000. The COP provides funding for annual operating support for arts groups, with additional support for the operation of city-owned facilities.
Cultural Vitality Program (CVP)
The Office of Cultural Affairs is pleased to announce a new cultural services funding program designed to further support the growth of a vibrant cultural ecosystem in Dallas. The Cultural Vitality Program, seeks proposals and projects from both arts/cultural organizations and individual artists with innovative ideas and a dedication to the arts in our City.
Cultural Projects Program (CPP)
Cultural Projects Program (CPP) provides considerable leveraging power for arts and cultural programming by funding up to 50% of project-specific expenses to established art organizations.
Cultural Facilities Program (CFP)
The Cultural Facilities Program coordinates and guides the City of Dallas support and funding of investment in long-term improvement, renovation or major repairs of cultural facilities owned and operated by organizations with an annual operating budget less than $5 million.