ART KITS are available by REQUEST ONLY.
(request form below ⇓ )
Thank you all for helping us all be creative while at home during uncertain times!

In March of 2020, when the shutdown of cultural facilities began, schools were closed and events were cancelled. Staff from our Oak Cliff Cultural Center (OC3) and Latino Cultural Center (LCC), both wanting to continue to provide cultural opportunities for residents of Dallas, developed two different methods to distribute make-at-home Art Kits.
OC3 staff partnered with community artist Karla Ceballos and put together a plan for grab-and-go art kits that were distributed at Sunset High School and at the Center. Each week offered a different project with bilingual instructions and more than 250 kits were distributed a week.
At the LCC, the staff put out a call for parents via Facebook, and mailed kits to people’s homes. The kits were a way to meet the needs of children who needed an artistic outlet at home. Over 300 kits were requested the first week, and a total of 1,792 kits mailed out in May.
In May 2020, the Cultural Centers joined forces. OC3 manager, Rafael Tamayo, SDCC manager John Spriggins, LCC manager Benjamin Espino, and OAC Assistant Director, David Fisher, combined the best parts of their art kits programs and took it on the road visiting a different citywide library each week.
The partnership with the Library and Cultural Centers now continues in a bigger and better way with “Create Away Home Activity Art Kits”.