Community Artist Program (CAP) Roster

Welcome to the Community Artist Program’s (CAP) Roster!

The Community Artists Program (CAP) provides funding to ethnic and culturally specific individual artists and cultural organizations to teach, perform, and exhibit at host facilities in neighborhoods around the City of Dallas. CAP cultivates collaborations between artists and communities. The Community Artist Program is offered to facilities and groups within the city limits of Dallas. Events or services must be free of charge. Services are available in the form of performances and workshop programs. Some performances and workshops may be tailored to meet the specific needs of the host organization. Artists are available through the CAP funding program offered by the City of Dallas Office of Arts and Culture.

The Office of Art and Culture’s staff assign participating artists/organizations to services in the community based on the request by the host and availability of the artist.  Community hosts may include community organizations, recreation centers, social service agencies, churches, and other non­profit groups according to the guidelines. Emphasis will be placed on underserved or un­served communities that have not had prior exposure to the art form. An attempt will be made to spread program services throughout all areas of the City. Performances are based on 50-minute presentations as a minimum.  Workshops are available in up to 4-weeks-session placements for artists to provide concentrated sessions with the same audience. Bookings are available for audiences ranging from pre­school to senior citizens.
You must fill out a  2024-25 CAP Artist/Organization Request Form  to be considered. Not all requests can be filled, but we will accommodate as many as possible.

If you are interested in booking an artist, please email:












You MUST read host guidelines before requesting an artist!!!

You MUST fill out this form before your request will be considered for booking. Please complete online. 

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Click on images to access artists' websites

Click on disciplines for program description

Click on images to access artists' websites

Click on disciplines for program description

Click on images to access artists' websites

Click on disciplines for program description

Gospel Music Workshops of America

Herbie Johnson

The Herbie Johnson Jazz Quartet

Indian Cultural Heritage Foundation

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Click on images to access artists' websites

Click on disciplines for program description

Click on images to access artists' websites

Click on disciplines for program description

Click on images to access artists' websites

Click on disciplines for program description

Click on images to access artists' websites

Click on disciplines for program description

Click on images to access artists' websites

Click on disciplines for program description

Rob Holbert

The Rob Holbert Group

Selestino "Sal" Barron

Sorany Gutierrez

Click on images to access artists' websites

Click on disciplines for program description

South Dallas Concert Choir

Taylor Michelle Moseley

The Texas Supremacy of Music & Art Conservatory

Click on images to access artists' websites

Click on disciplines for program description